A Personal Note from the Studio

A note from our studio.

We are really missing all of our artists and friends here at the studio! 
With so much uncertainty in the whole WORLD right now, it seems more important to find our beacons in the midst of the chaos. We certainly aren’t finding that in the headlines as of late. Art and creativity are needed even more in trying times. It’s not just about keeping ourselves or our children busy, but clearing negativity and connecting with ourselves, our friends, our community. Let this be the reset we all need to find our inner artist and inner healer. We always say in our art classes, "It's the challenge that makes the end result so successful."

We've been trying to catch up on projects here to stay busy. That’s why we’re excited to let you know we’re working on creating online classes for adults and for kids.

Betsy is working on providing weekly watercolor demos online, and live classes or private sessions over online streaming. We are in communication with our other teachers to see what we can create with them as well and will let you all know as soon as possible.

We are excited to announce that Happy Kids Art Kits are in the works! These kits will help you keep your homeschool life balanced and fun, as well as a HK Studio Online Classes. We will get through this by taking lessons from our children, the adaptability experts!

Sign up here to be the first to know about our new online classes and Paint + Go kits and classes. 

Hi all, I just wanted to say that we are working hard to connect our special, local art community online. We are doing what we can to pivot quickly so that you will all have a resource for creativity and self-expression. As Betsy has always made it priority to support the community with arts, I will add that now is an important time to support your small and local businesses. Many of your favorite local places can greatly benefit from the purchase of gift certificatesduring these difficult times. With this in mind, we have added the option to purchase gift-certificates to our website for when we resume our regular class schedule. We hope to do so as soon as possible and advisable by health officials. For now, keep our local jewels in mind. 

Feel free to reach out to me and give feedback about online classes! What do you want to see and when? Are you interested in certain demos, or live streaming private classes? Email your thoughts at info@betsyjacaruso.com


We are not currently holding any art classes until April, and this could change. 
Gallery hours are limited to appointment only. We can arrange via email and phone for purchases of artwork. 
Our student show, which was set for April, will be rescheduled to a better time. Stay tuned. 

Wishing you well,
-- Betsy Jacaruso Studio